The town of Eisenach and Wartburg Castle both owe their fame to individuals of world renown. Wartburg Castle – a UNESCO world cultural heritage site since 1999 – was the home of St. Elisabeth’s and the inspiration for Richard Wagner’s opera, Tannhäuser. It is also where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German. Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach, Martin Luther was at school here for three years, and writer Fritz Reuter spent the autumn of his life in the town. Eisenach also has a strong tradition of car manufacturing and development which goes back over a hundred years.
Wartburg Castle – designated a UNESCO world heritage site in 1999 – has been a mighty fortification and magnificent residence for almost a thousand years. Courtly art from the Middle Ages, St. Elisabeth’s life and work, Martin Luther’s translation of the New Testament, the German student fraternities’ festival and Wagner’s romantic opera, Tannhäuser, all combine to make Wartburg Castle an outstanding monument of German history and culture.