For sixteen to eighteen days, at the end of September into the beginning of October, Munich locals as well as hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world will flock to the fairgrounds, commonly known as “Wiesn” (“meadow”) at the foot of the Bavaria statue. The peppy music of the brass bands in the beer tents belongs to the Oktoberfest atmosphere as much as the dizzy rides on the roller coasters and merry-go-rounds, or the smell of roasted almonds, Turkish delight and gingerbread hearts. Truth be told, there are no words to describe the Oktoberfest, you have to experience it yourself! Every year Munich radiates high spirits and zest for life as people follow the invitation: “Let‘s go to the Oktoberfest!”
Munich Oktoberfest
”O‘zapft is!” – “the barrel is tapped!” exclaims Munich‘s Lord Mayor after broaching the first cask of beer at noon, thus officially inaugurating the world-famous Oktoberfest.

The Oktoberfest is characterized by a distinct mix of high tech and nostalgia. Over 200 attractions and side-shows invite visitors to have the time of their lives. In addition to spectacular large rides such as the Olympia Looping or the Coaster (“Höllenblitz”), there are funfair attractions with a longstanding fairground tradition that can only be found at the Wiesn, such as the Krinoline (old-fashioned merry-go-round), the Teufelsrad (“Devil‘s Wheel”), the Toboggan, and the Schichtl Variety Show, the latter being a true Oktoberfest institution.
The special Oktoberfest beer brewed by Munich‘s six major breweries is served in approximately 17 large and 21 small tents with a total seating capacity for 100,000 guests. The draft beer is the perfect beverage to accompany Bavarian treats such as radishes, Obatzda (specially garnished cream cheese), sausages, and roast chicken or spicy fish grilled on a skewer. The ox roasted on a spit is another Wiesn specialty. All in all, some 80 small and medium-sized caterers invite you to have a swell time.